Toll Collect publishes first statement in accordance with German Sustainability Code (DNK)
Berlin toll specialist reports on its sustainability performance according to established standard // Communications consultancy SpiessConsult assists with content and text editing
After the introduction of a comprehensive sustainability management system, the company reports for the first time on its results and successes within the framework of the DNK system. The DNK office had authorised the declaration at the end of 2022, and now it has been published in the DNK database, together with the previously published declarations of the more than 900 DNK user companies. The declaration is an important milestone in the integrated sustainability strategy at Toll Collect and paves the way for the application of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which is to apply throughout Europe from 2025.
The German Sustainability Code is a standard for transparent reporting on the sustainability performance of companies to all relevant stakeholders. It can be applied by companies and institutions of any size or legal form. To comply with the Code, users prepare a statement on twenty GSC criteria and report on the supplementary non-financial performance indicators defined by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS).
Sustainability is a high priority at the federally owned company Toll Collect. As early as 2021, the Berlin-based service provider for tolls, infrastructure and digital services presented its first sustainability report, which was designed and edited by SpiessConsult. Toll Collect has also been publishing an annual environmental statement since 2005.
SpiessConsult has been supporting the Berlin-based company since 2006 with strategic PR projects, corporate design, integrated information campaigns in Germany and the EU, complex corporate publications, sustainability reporting and employee communication.
About SpiessConsult: SpiessConsult GmbH & Co. KG is a consulting company in the fields of corporate communications, employee communications and brand management based in Düsseldorf. The company offers clients the entire range of services of an advertising agency and a PR agency. Its work focuses on strategic reputation management for companies, institutions and organizations, the development and management of corporate brands and product brands, corporate design and corporate identity, as well as employee communications relating to change programs and corporate change processes.
Contact: Robert Fuchs
Tel.: +49 211 550217-211
SpiessConsult GmbH & Co. KG
Am Deich 26
40547 Düsseldorf